Parents/guardians must sign their child’s application stating that they have received a copy of the Operational and Behavior Management Policies.
The parent or guardian is asked to cooperate with school staff and support their disciplinary efforts.
- Parents will be consulted at the end of the day when a discipline problem has occurred.
- Discipline is handled by the site director or the group leader. The principal and/or the Director for school will be consulted in cases of severe discipline problems.
- Rules must be followed for the sake of safety, health, and acceptable behavior.
- Students must treat the Teachers, Assistants and other students with respect.
- Students shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause physical injury to another student or to school employees.
- Students must respect the personal possessions of others and refrain from damaging the school grounds or property. The replacement of or payment for property taken, damaged, or destroyed will be required.
- Students shall refrain from rude language or conduct.
- A student shall not possess a weapon or any object which could be considered a weapon. (Guns, knives, razors, pellet guns, etc.)
- Students are not allowed to have hand-held video games at the site. (This includes giga pets)
- A student shall not possess or use any alcohol or drugs.
- Students must be able to take care of their personal needs. (feeding, and bathroom needs)